Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas - A Valuable Reason to Work at It

     Old events remembered often bring up negative emotions for me, so I am going to write about only good thoughts today.

     Christmas is coming.  It is a good thing in our house, but overloading too.  This year I hear my Mom say "fifty family".  They all come for Christmas Eve dinner.  A special meal and prayer it is to celebrate respectfully the birth of Christ; and too, to remember our loved ones who are no longer this side with us. I love the occasion as a gathering of love and traditions old, but it is not an easy day for me - sights and sounds abound, touching all about, intentional and nonintentional, movement required to join and avoid others actions, waiting incessant, emotions to be absorbed and processed, communications to be translated, smells to be endured.  It is not just a nice gathering for me. It is exhausting work, only made valuable by the reason for the day.

Christ camer into the world so simply.  Let the meaning of that speak for itself.

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